Object schema validation inspired by joi
(almost the same, but async and extensible)
$ npm install node-veee --save
var V = require('node-veee');
var v = new V([options]);
v.use(function(v) {
v.register('number', function(value, context, cb) {
if (typeof value === 'number' && value === value) return cb();
cb('is not a number');
v.register('number', 'integer', function(value, context, cb) {
if (parseInt(value.toString(), 10) === value) return cb();
cb('is not an integer');
v.register('number', 'positive', function(value, context, cb) {
if (value > 0) return cb();
cb('is not a positive number');
v.validate(5, v.number().positive().integer(), function(err, result) {
// null, 5
v.validate(-1, v.number().positive(), function(err, result) {
// { type: 'number', name: 'positive', path: '_', value: -1, error: 'is not a positive number' }, undefined
var date = new Date();
v.validate(date, v.or(, v.string().isodate()), ...);
Build-in types
is trying to be very similar to joi
. it contains a few build-in validators:
- number
- string
- boolean
- array
- object
- date
- function
- any (inherited by all types)
- update documentation